Sea stack :)

Myself and Lawrie went on the mission down the East coast with our eyes on the Souter Sea Stack. With getting there pretty early and Lawrie on climbing mode we blasted up 3 route a vs,hvs and E1 i found the climbing there pretty odd. My baby hands were sore on the rock and the word sketchy came to mind with loose rock and no belay points at the top. It really was a don`t fall day.

After that we went onto the stack and Lawrie of course was leading this at my head was defo not in the game for it. But in true Lawrie style he went up it like a Fairy while i followed behind like a Cow with a harness on. It was a very good route with a few bold moves on a slab section with only rusty pegs in place. I would say it is a defo go and do but the routes round about the area are on the avoid list!
For the people that don`t know about the hill billy farmer that shouts at us when climbing "remember theres an electric fence up here guys" Well it was dark walking back toward the car and Lawrie plods over and yes went ZAP! Oh yes i laughed! and i still am :)

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