Etive Slabs- The Hammer

This route is one of the best routes i have ever climbed in my life, A few things to think of though is the Midges, Damp and Gear! The Hammer runs a 150m HVS ***

Climbing Partner: Russell

First two pitches of this route you can argue with me but there very overgrown and going from a good slab into a bush is not my cup of tea. You are just making your way up towards the only tree on that part.
After that it gets real fun as the famous "scoop" pitch is on and there is only steady climbing that will get you across. From then on its a amazing crack line up a nice slab face to the belay ledge. I must point out i did sit here with a guy Ally (AKA Hector) and watch two old guys (one with a cowboy hat on, come falling down the slabs! But this day all way quiet just our mates Lawrie over on Spartans Slab giving us the odd wave.
Pitch three is a funny one i will say, climb a amazing crack till it runs out then move into the middle of the slab and dash for a gear placement. I know Russell will laugh at this as yes this was the second time doing The Hammer but i did fall at this point the worst point to come off :) i did it
with style and come flying down the face but my gear was bomber! After that it was climbing with a sore arse the rest of the day. Top pitch was a bit wet so Russell not known at the time moved off route into no mans land and topped off.

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