Etive Slabs

Weather was amazing when we ventured up to the Slabs. There was a good few of us and my climbing partner was Gareth today. We had been going out about this route for a longtime (well i had been at him) The Pause E1 3*

I kicked on on pitch 1 up and finding it a tad hard with a section still wet, after that Gareth cruised up the second pitch to the Belay point. This is where i got the famous 5b (technical) crux traverse into the ‘Crevasse’ and i must say i loved it. I have known of a good few people who had fell off on the traverse but i even managed a photo in the middle :) 4th pitch Gareth went off route and i have no idea how your ment to route find on a slab as all is a tad ehh.. flat! But yeah he was a good 20m above his gear looking a tad nervous but after me shouting some abuse at him he found a good belay point and we corrected ourself. After that the pitches were good solid lines with amazing friction. The last pitch i handed that over as Gareth loves Crack climbing and it was a ninja line so he enjoyed going up this with ease and leaving me freezing my ass off at this point.

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