
Today we went over to Stirling to get some good old cragging on the go for a few hours.
Myself and Gareth went over with Russell coming running behind us. Did some of the classics and also i was put off climbing there with pulling a block section off on Gobi Roof so i was not so keen on climbing after that. I did take a few pictures and will pop below.

Gareth practicing his hanging belay and ropework haha!

Etive Slabs

Weather was amazing when we ventured up to the Slabs. There was a good few of us and my climbing partner was Gareth today. We had been going out about this route for a longtime (well i had been at him) The Pause E1 3*

I kicked on on pitch 1 up and finding it a tad hard with a section still wet, after that Gareth cruised up the second pitch to the Belay point. This is where i got the famous 5b (technical) crux traverse into the ‘Crevasse’ and i must say i loved it. I have known of a good few people who had fell off on the traverse but i even managed a photo in the middle :) 4th pitch Gareth went off route and i have no idea how your ment to route find on a slab as all is a tad ehh.. flat! But yeah he was a good 20m above his gear looking a tad nervous but after me shouting some abuse at him he found a good belay point and we corrected ourself. After that the pitches were good solid lines with amazing friction. The last pitch i handed that over as Gareth loves Crack climbing and it was a ninja line so he enjoyed going up this with ease and leaving me freezing my ass off at this point.

Climb on

Climbing with: Gareth (aka Vinders UKC)

This was taken from the hotel --- Clachaig Gully, our very own route from the doorstep. However, the gully is rarely climbed these days. Maybe the idea of wet slimy vegetation covered walls and the occasional rockfall don't have the appeal they once used to! Or maybe folk are just soft these days!

There you go sums up a dam good climb don`t you think??? We rolled in the Clachaig Pub around 8pm had a good look at the guide book over some good food (bit skimpy on the portions) and booze! After a few hours on Whiskey and beer we decided on the Gully. Easy day and a Classic Route to be had. Next morning rolling out the tent both like we had just slept in the bushes and storming up this hard 10minute walk in (could it all, not just be like this) We skipped in after the Great Cave Pitch and started on our way. It was extremely lose at places and very wet. Gareth took on a pretty full on pitch with the rock being very wet/lose and crossing a slab section, I was impressed yeah scary for myself on the second as there was no gear at that point. After that we were not far from the top and the rain came on, There was no friction at all and it did go into the unsafe side as we had to decide bail out now or make a go for the next slab pitch in the rain. So we bailed. On the upside of it i got a 30m Abseil down a waterfall that was well good fun.

I would say for anyone thinking of this route, 1 week of dry weather and defo make sure it will not rain when your up in it.